Sunday, December 6, 2020

#582 Why is it that having everybody look at you

Why is it that having everybody look at you is - Physiology

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Why is it that having everybody look at you is intimidating but getting a lot of attention, publicity, and fame is enjoyable? My teacher says that when she first started teaching, having all those eyeballs in the class looking at her was disturbing. However, I think few famous people would voluntarily give up all their fame to become anonymous if they could do so.

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It's intimidating because it creates an awkward moment. During such a moment the people being stared at feeling different like they don't belong in society. They are being alienated from the very people that have the same two legs they walk with, and two eyes they see with. Basically, it's a feeling of loneliness, you may feel like you the only kind of person on earth. This creates a fear of being different, and believe it or not if someone really looks deep into their soul they'll realize that they themselves are afraid of being different, being themself is scary.

However, fame, publicity, etcetera, etcetera, is enjoyable because you may have gotten such fame from doing something good, unique, or heroic and people praise you for it by acknowledging who you are. When your famous and receive a lot of of public coverage people will stare at you, however, it is in a different light. You notice their glare is softer toward you, and they further show this by smiling warmly at you whenever they see you. Basically in doing good, people see you in a new light. Take for instance Clinton, the president that had an affair. when he was brought up to confess his affair with an alleged woman you should have seen the way people were staring at him, he felt alienated, even different from society. But before they knew he had an affair people looked at him warmly, talked positively whenever this name was mentioned. You can see that, when your famous, it is usually because you have done something good or great, or different, but when you do bad, in the case of something criminal or uncivilized, you will be on the receiving end of glaring people.

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