Saturday, December 5, 2020

#579 During a discussion in class, my teacher mentioned

During a discussion in class, my teacher mentioned - Psychology

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h1 class=post-title style=text-align center;During a discussion in class, my teacher mentioned - Psychologyh1 pstrongChemistryExplainstrong daily providing Q&A content “#579 During a strongdiscussionstrong in class, my teacher mentioned in strongspan data-sheets-value={"1"2,"2""Anatomy and physiology, Anatomy and physiology flash cards, Anatomy and physiology revealed, Heart anatomy and physiology, Human anatomy and physiology textbook"} data-sheets-userformat={"2"513,"3"{"1"0},"12"0}Anatomy and physiology, Anatomy and physiology flash cards, Anatomy and physiology revealed, Heart anatomy and physiology, Human anatomy and physiology textbookspanstrongp pGet the Free Online strongChemistry Q&A Questions And Answersstrong with explain. To crack any examinations and Interview tests these Chemistry Questions And Answers are very useful. Here we have uploaded the Free Online Chemistry Questions. Here we are also given the all chemistry topic.p p strongChemistryExplain team has covered all Topics related tostrong inorganic, organic, physical chemistry, and others So, Prepare these Chemistry Questions and Answers with Explanation Pdf.p pstrongFor More a title=Free Chegg Q&A href=httpswww.chemistryexplain.comsearchlabelChegg&max-results=6 target=_blank rel=noopener noreferrerChegga Questionsstrongp ul lia title=Q&A Inorganic Chemistry href=httpswww.chemistryexplain.comsearchlabelQ%26A%20Inorganic%20Chemistry&max-results=6Inorganic Chemistryali lia title=Q&A Organic Chemistry href=httpswww.chemistryexplain.comsearchlabelQ%26A%20Organic%20Chemistry&max-results=6Organic Chemistryali lia title=Q&A Physical Chemistry  href=httpswww.chemistryexplain.comsearchlabelQ%26A%20Physical%20Chemistry&max-results=6Physical Chemistryali ul h2strongJoin Our Telegram Channel for Covers All Update by a href=httpswww.chemistryexplain.comChemistryExplaina- a href=httpst.mechemistryexplainClick Nowastrongh2 h2 style=text-align center;strongFree Chegg Questionstrongh2 pDuring a strongdiscussionstrong in class, my teacher mentioned that some people may wash their hair to feel better when they are depressed. I'm curious as to why or how this would make someone feel better. I myself have never washed my hair to feel better when I'm feeling sad or something. Does anyone have any insight on this Does anyone know how this works I'd really appreciate some help in understanding this, thanks!!p pstrongFree Chegg AnswerstrongstrongFor More Chemistry Notes and Helpful Content Subscribe Our YouTube Chanel - a title=Chemistry Explain target=_blank rel=noopener noreferrerChemistry Explaina  strongp h2 style=text-align center;strongFree Chegg Answer 1strongh2 divI have never read or anything about this in any of my many psychology courses however I do believe it. When I am sad or depressed I notice that my showers and baths get longer and more frequent. Being in the showerbath can be very relaxing. Steam and warm water are relaxing. It may also have to do with the scents, which are typically pleasing, shampooconditioner. Many of us tend to purchase shampoos and conditioners that are having a pleasing scent to us. These scents, though we may not notice it are comforting, it is something we like and for many of us it also something familiar. Many people use the same shampoo all the time, it is something that is constant in our lives which compared to life and everything in your shampoo scent seems of little importance. However, when people are depressed it is often because the direction their life is going in not comfortable, it is stressful and sometimes we just need something familiar no matter how irrelevant to the life and small that piece of familiar may be that familiar scent of your shampoo might just be the little bit of comfort you need. Many shampoos also contain herbs and such that are used in aroma therapies which can be very relaxing. Then there is also the fact that when you wash your hair you are massaging your scalp and massage is a very good way to relax and to escape from your problems for a Whether or not these are things that your instructor would come up with to explain this, I think they definitely could all be parts of the reason for the connection.div div h2 style=text-align center;strongFree Chegg Answer 2strongh2 pMost likely your professor was simply listing a repetitive soothing activity that many people may take comfort in.  However, specifically, hair washing stimulates blood flow along the scalp and releases tension, similar to a massage, which may explain its particular effect. p div

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Free Chegg Question

During a discussion in class, my teacher mentioned that some people may wash their hair to feel better when they are depressed. I'm curious as to why or how this would make someone feel better. I myself have never washed my hair to feel better when I'm feeling sad or something. Does anyone have any insight on this? Does anyone know how this works? I'd really appreciate some help in understanding this, thanks!!

Free Chegg AnswerFor More Chemistry Notes and Helpful Content Subscribe Our YouTube Chanel - Chemistry Explain  

Free Chegg Answer 1

I have never read or anything about this in any of my many psychology courses however I do believe it. When I am sad or depressed I notice that my showers and baths get longer and more frequent. Being in the shower/bath can be very relaxing. Steam and warm water are relaxing. It may also have to do with the scents, which are typically pleasing, shampoo/conditioner. Many of us tend to purchase shampoos and conditioners that are having a pleasing scent to us. These scents, though we may not notice it are comforting, it is something we like and for many of us it also something familiar. Many people use the same shampoo all the time, it is something that is constant in our lives which compared to life and everything in your shampoo scent seems of little importance. However, when people are depressed it is often because the direction their life is going in not comfortable, it is stressful and sometimes we just need something familiar no matter how irrelevant to the life and small that piece of familiar maybe that familiar scent of your shampoo might just be the little bit of comfort you need. Many shampoos also contain herbs and such that are used in aromatherapies which can be very relaxing. Then there is also the fact that when you wash your hair you are massaging your scalp and massage is a very good way to relax and to escape from your problems for a bit.
Whether or not these are things that your instructor would come up with to explain this, I think they definitely could all be parts of the reason for the connection.

Free Chegg Answer 2

Most likely your professor was simply listing a repetitive soothing activity that many people may take comfort in.  However, specifically, hair washing stimulates blood flow along the scalp and releases tension, similar to a massage, which may explain its particular effect. 

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