#527 What is the difference between a psychologist
What is the difference between a psychologist - Psychology
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What is the difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist?
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The terms "psychologist" and "psychiatrist" are often usedinterchangeably to describe anyone who provides therapy services.While psychologists and psychiatrists both conduct psychotherapyand research, there are significant differences between the twoprofessions.
Education, Training, andCredentials:-
The simplest answer lies in the educational background required foreach profession. A psychiatrist has a degree in medicine and a psychologist has a doctoral-level degree in psychology. However,there are a number of other distinctions that make each professionquite unique.
Psychologists receive graduate training in psychology and pursueeither a Ph.D. or Psy.D. in clinical or counseling psychology.Doctorate programs typically take five to seven years to completeand most states require an additional one or two year longinternship in order to gain licensure. Other states require anaddition year or two of supervised practice before granting fulllicensure.
The title of "psychologist" can only be used by an individual whohas completed the above education, training, and state licensure.Informal titles such as "counselor" or "therapist" are often usedas well, but other mental health care professionals such aslicensed social workers can also claim these titles.
Psychiatrists are physicians to have specific training in theassessment, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mentalillnesses. Psychiatrists attend medical school and receive an M.D.After completing medical training, they complete an additional fouryears of residency training in mental health. In addition to this,some receive additional training in a specific area of interestsuch as geriatric psychiatry, child and adolescent psychiatry,addictions and other areas.
Prescribing Medications
A second important distinction between the two careers is thatpsychiatrists can prescribe medication, while psychologists cannot.There has been a recent push to grant prescribing powers topsychologists, with states such as New Mexico and Louisiana nowallowing psychologists to write prescriptions after consulting witha psychiatrist.
Which is Better?
If you are considering a career as a therapist, you will need todetermine which career path is best for you. Are you interested inconducting psychotherapy, administering psychological tests, andconducting research? If so, a career as a psychologist may be thebest choice for you.
If you have an interest in medicine and want to be able toprescribe medications to your patients, a career in psychiatrymight be your ideal choice. If you don't want to invest five toeight years in graduate training, consider pursuing a career as alicensed social worker or counselor, which typically requires twoor three years of graduate study. Psychiatric nursing is anothergreat career option for students interested in medicine. AdvancedPsychiatric Nurses hold a Master's degree or higher inpsychiatric-mental health nursing and are able to assess patients,diagnose disorders, provide psychotherapy and prescribemedications.
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The simplest way to describe the difference between apsychologist and a psychiatrist is that a psychologist primarilyaids the depressed patient by counseling and psychotherapy. Apsychiatrist may also perform psychotherapy; but, in addition, canprescribe medications and perform ECT (electroconvulsive therapy).A psychiatrist is a medical doctor. A psychologist may hold adoctoral degree (Ph.D.) and be called "doctor"; but, is not amedical doctor (M.D.).
The are both doctors however, the main difference is a psychiatrist prescribes medicine
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