Thursday, November 19, 2020

#494 Track the ingestion and digestion of a ham

Track the ingestion and digestion of a ham - Biology

ChemistryExplain daily providing Q&A content “#494 Track the ingestion and digestion of a ham" in Biology scientists, Cell and molecular biology, Molecular and cellular biology, Biology, Ap biology review, Apologia biology

ChemistryExplain “#494 Track the ingestion and digestion of a ham in Biology scientists, Cell and molecular biology, Molecular and cellular biology

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Track the ingestion and digestion of a ham-and-cheese sandwich on whole wheat bread with lettuce, green pepper, and tomatoes. Describe the fate of this sandwich from the time you eat it. Be very detailed regarding the digestive process, location, enzyme action, and use of accessory organs of digestion

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First, let us focus on the constituents of the Ham and cheese sandwich, Ham is a source of protein, cheese contains saturated fat and protein and calcium. Brown bread has carbohydrates and other nutrients.

Let's start the process of digestion.

first, as soon as a bite of the sandwich is taken the salivary glands produce saliva which moistens and softens the food, ptyalin of the saliva breaks the starch component of the sandwich and converts it into disaccharides.

From here the chewed sandwich through the esophagus reaches the stomach.

Gastric juices present in the stomach play a significant role in protein digestion. The action of hydrochloric acid activates certain enzymes now the sandwich in the stomach is acted upon by various protein-digesting enzymes like pepsin.

pepsin acts on the protein and breaks the protein in the ham into peptones and proteases. Apart from this mechanical digestion through the pounding action occurs in the stomach so the sandwich is partially digested by the action of these enzymes.

From the stomach through the pyloric valve chyme passes into the small intestine.

The small intestine receives secretions from the liver and pancreas

The sandwich had cheese which is saturated fat, the bile salts released from the liver helps in the emulsification of fats. so the cheeses are emulsified and the acidity of the chyme is made alkaline by the bile.

The Ham which is high in protein will be exposed to many proteolytic enzymes from the pancreatic juice. the meat is exposed to trypsin, chymotrypsin, carboxypeptidases which act on the Ham and convert it into simple peptides and proteoses.

The steapsin present in the pancreatic juice acts on the emulsified fat of the cheese and converts it into fatty acid and glycerol.

Now the carbohydrate portion of the bread is digested by the sucrase, maltase, lactase enzymes present in the intestinal juices which convert them into glucose and it is absorbed through the intestinal wall.

So the digestion of the carbohydrate, Fats, Proteins occurs in the small intestine. the undigested food now enters the large intestine and the sandwich also had lettuce which is the cellulose part of the food is decomposed by the symbiotic bacteria and the remaining carbohydrates are fermented releasing hydrogen and methane.

and finally, the faces are formed and release outside.

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