Friday, September 4, 2020

#155 Your task is to develop a Ticket class

Your task is to develop a Ticket class - Computer Science

ChemistryExplain daily providing Q&A content “#155 Your task is to develop a Ticket class" in Computer science, Ba computer science, Berkeley computer science, Computer science associate degree jobs.
ChemistryExplain “#155 Your task is to develop a Ticket class in Computer science, Ba computer science, Berkeley computer science, Computer science associate degree jobs
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Your task is to develop a Ticket class of object. A Ticket object represents a car park ticket. It has a unique ID and time of issue (24-hour clock).
Your class must meet the following specification.
Class Ticket
A Ticket object represents a car park ticket. It has a unique ID and time of issue (24 hour clock).
Instance variables
String id;
Time issue Time;
Ticket(Time currentTime, String ID)
// Create a new Ticket that has the given issue time and unique ID.
public String ID() //
Obtain this Ticket's ID.
public Duration age(Time currentTime)
// Obtain this ticket's age i.e. the issue time subtracted from the given time.
public String toString()
// Obtain a String representation of this Ticket object in the form:
// "Ticket[id="ddddd", time="hh:mm:ss")".
Here's a code snippet to illustrate behaviour:
Time tone = new Time ("6:50", "800001");
Ticket ticket = new Ticket (tone) ;
Time t Two = new Time ("7:19", "8005A3");
System.out.println(ticket.toString() );
Duration d ticket.age (tTwo);
System.out.println(d.intValue ("minute"));
The output from this code would be:
Ticket[id=800001, time=06:50:00]. 29 The class has a single constructor that is used to (i) assign the current time as the ticket issue time and to (ii) assign a unique ID.
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Free Chegg Answer

import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.temporal.Temporal;
import java.util.Date;
//import java.time.LocalDate;
class Time
String time;
String id;
public Time(String time, String id) {
this.time = time; = id;
class Tick
String id;
Time issuetime;
Tick(Time t)
public String id()
return id;
public Duration age(Time currenttime) throws ParseException
//DateFormat format=new SimpleDateFormat("hh:mm:ss");
Date d1= new Date();
Date d2=new SimpleDateFormat("hh:mm").parse(currenttime.time);
System.out.print("d2 is"+d2);
long d=d1.getTime()-d2.getTime();
System.out.println(" d is"+d);
return Duration.ofMinutes(d);
public String toString() {
return "Tick [id=" + id + ", issuetime=" + issuetime.time + "]";
public class Ticket {
public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Time tOne=new Time("06:50","800001");
Tick ticket= new Tick(tOne);
Time tTwo=new Time("07:19","8005A3");
Duration d=ticket.age(tTwo);

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