#73 Write a program that processes a data file of names
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Write a program that processes a data file of names in which each name is on a separate line of at most 80 characters. Here are two sample names:
Hartman-Montgomery, Jane R.
Doe, J. D.
On each line, the surname is followed by a comma and space. Next comes the first name or initial, then space and the middle initial. Your program should scan the names into three arraysâ surnames, first, and middle_init. If the surname is longer than 15 characters, store only the first 15. Similarly, limit the first name to ten characters. Do not store periods in the first and middle_init arrays. Write the arrayâs contents to a file, aligning the contents of each column:
Hartman-Montgom Jane RDoe JD
Step 1
*Program to process a data file of names on a separate *
*line and print the required in an output file *
//define the size as 50.
#define SIZE 50
int main()
  //declare the variables.
  char line[80]=" ";
  int count =0;
  //declare three arrays
  char first[SIZE][11];
  char surname[SIZE][16];
  char middle_init[SIZE][11];
  //open the inout file in read mode.
  FILE *fin = fopen("input.txt", "r");
  //if file not open, print a message.
    printf("Unable open the input file.\n");
    //open the output in write mode.
    FILE *fout = fopen("output.txt", "w");
    //if file not open, print a message.
      printf("Cannot open the output file.\n");
      //read the file until end of file.
      while(fgets(line, 80, fin)!=NULL)
        //declare the variables
        int i=0;
        char temp[]=" ";
        char *tempStr = strtok(line, temp);
        //read the surname upto less than or
        //equal to 15 skip the commas
while((i<15)&& *(tempStr+i)!=','&& *(tempStr+i)!='\n')
        tempStr = strtok(NULL, temp);
        //read the first name upto less than or
        //equal to 10 skip the commas
while((i<10)&&*(tempStr+i)!='.'&&*(tempStr+i)!=','&& *(tempStr+i)!='\n')
        tempStr = strtok(NULL, temp);
        //read the middile name upto less than
        //or equal to 10 skip the commas
while((i<10)&&*(tempStr+i)!='.'&&*(tempStr+i)!=','&& *(tempStr+i)!='\n')
        //write the data in the output file.
Step 2
fprintf(fout,"%-15s\t\t%-10s\t%-10s\n",surname[count], first[count], middle_init[count]);
        //increment the count value.
    //close the output and input files.
  return 0;
Step 3
Input text file: input.txt
Hartman-Montgomery, Jane R.
Doe, J. D.
Step 4
Sample output file: output.txt
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