Tuesday, June 30, 2020

#52 Implement and test the following combinational

ChemistryExplain is here for you to provide the important questions and answer “#52 Implement and test the following combinational” this question is coming from Electrical Engineering.
#52 Implement and test the following combinational
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#52 Implement and test the following combinational circuit using Verilog HDL.

- The inputs (A, B) are 4-bits

- The output also is 4-bits

- The circuit will operate the output of the circa the circuit is) as following.

- Implement the 1-bit binary adder/subtractor using structural Verilog HDL code.

- Use the created module of 1-bit binary adder/subtractor to build 4-bit adder/subtractor structurally, then using Quartus to create a symbol for it.

- Write the module of 1-digit BCD adder/subtractor, then using Quartus to create a symbol for it

- Write the code of MAX module, then using Quartus to create a symbol for it.

- Write the code of the MIN module, then using Quartus to create a symbol for it.

- Implement the 1-bit binary adder/subtractor using structural Verilog HDL code.

- Use the created module of 1-bit binary adder/subtractor to build 4-bit adder/subtractor structurally, then using Quartus to create a symbol for it

- Write the module of 1-digit BCD adder/subtractor, then using Quartus to create a symbol for it

- Write the code of MAX module, then using Quartus to create a symbol for it.

- Write the code of the MIN module, then using Quartus to create a symbol for it.

- Write a Verilog HDL code to describe the module 4-bit 4x1 multiplexer, then using Quartus to create a symbol for it

- Test each module

- Use Quartus schematic to describe the whole system from its subsystems.

- Test the whole system

Project Report

The report document must contain sections highlighting the following

1 - Design and implementation 

- Specity clearly the design and implementation details of each components

- Provide drawings of the component circuits and the overall system

- Carry out the design and implementation with the following aspects in mind:

i Correctness of the individual components

ii Correctness of the overall design when wiring the components together

iii Completeness: all operation were implemented properly.

2 - Simulation and Testing 

- Carry out the simulation of each component.

- Carry out the simulation of the whole system

- Also provide snapshots of the Simulator window with your test cases and showing the simulation output results.

3- Teamwork 

- Two students can form a group

- Group members are required to coordinate the work equally among themselves so that everyone is involved in all the following activities

i Design and implementation

ii Simulation and Testing .

- Clearly show the work done by each group member

Submission Guidelines 

Attach one zip file containing all the design circuits, the pr programs source code Screenshot is not allowed in writing the code (copy the code from Quartus software) as well as the report document to Raj as a reply to this message.

Grading policy

The grade will be divided according to the following components: 

1. Correctness: whether your implementation is working

2. Completeness and testing whether all components and cases have been implemented, handled, and tested properly

3. Participation and contribution to the project

4. Report document


module adder_subtractor(S, C, V, A, B, Op);

   output [3:0] S;

   output           C,V;  

   input [3:0] A,B;

   input             Op; // The operation: 0 => Add, 1=>Subtract.

   wire C0, C1, C2, C3;

   wire B0, B1, B2, B3;

   xor(B0, B[0], Op);

   xor(B1, B[1], Op);

   xor(B2, B[2], Op);

   xor(B3, B[3], Op);

   xor(C, C3, Op);  

   xor(V, C3, C2); 

   full_adder fa0(S[0], C0, A[0], B0, Op); 

   full_adder fa1(S[1], C1, A[1], B1, C0);

   full_adder fa2(S[2], C2, A[2], B2, C1);

   full_adder fa3(S[3], C3, A[3], B3, C2); 


module full_adder(S, Cout, A, B, Cin);

   output S, Cout;

      input A,B, Cin;

       wire   w1,w2,w3,w4;

xor(w1, A, B);

   xor(S, Cin, w1);

   and(w2, A, B);

   and(w3, A, Cin);

   and(w4, B, Cin);

   or(Cout, w2, w3, w4);


module max(input [3:0]A, input [3:0]B, output [3:0]out3);
reg [3:0]max;

always @(*)

assign out3=max;`

module min(input [3:0]A, input [3:0]B, output [3:0]out4);
reg [3:0]min;

always @(*)

assign out4=min;`

module mux4_1( a, b, c, d, s0, s1, out);

input wire a, b, c, d;

input wire s0, s1;

output reg out;

always @ (a or b or c or d or s0, s1)


case (s0 | s1)

2'b00 : out <= a;

2'b01 : out <= b;

2'b10 : out <= c;

2'b11 : out <= d;




module bcd(a,b,carry_in,sum,carry,op);

    input [3:0] a,b;

    input carry_in,op;

    output [3:0] sum;

    output carry;

        reg [4:0] sum_temp;

    reg [3:0] sum;

    reg carry;

always @(a,b,carry_in,op)


        sum_temp = a+b+carry_in;

        if(sum_temp > 9)


            sum_temp = sum_temp+6;

            carry = 1;

            sum = sum_temp[3:0];




            carry = 0;

            sum = sum_temp[3:0];






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