Tuesday, June 30, 2020

#52 Implement and test the following combinational

ChemistryExplain is here for you to provide the important questions and answer “#52 Implement and test the following combinational” this question is coming from Electrical Engineering.
#52 Implement and test the following combinational
Get the Free Online Chemistry Q&A Questions And Answers with explain. To crack any examinations and Interview tests these Chemistry Questions And Answers are very useful. Here we have uploaded the Free Online Chemistry Questions. Here we are also given the all chemistry topic.

ChemistryExplain team has covered all Topics related to inorganic, organic, physical chemistry, and others So, Prepare these Chemistry Questions and Answers with Explanation Pdf.


#52 Implement and test the following combinational circuit using Verilog HDL.

- The inputs (A, B) are 4-bits

- The output also is 4-bits

- The circuit will operate the output of the circa the circuit is) as following.

- Implement the 1-bit binary adder/subtractor using structural Verilog HDL code.

- Use the created module of 1-bit binary adder/subtractor to build 4-bit adder/subtractor structurally, then using Quartus to create a symbol for it.

- Write the module of 1-digit BCD adder/subtractor, then using Quartus to create a symbol for it

- Write the code of MAX module, then using Quartus to create a symbol for it.

- Write the code of the MIN module, then using Quartus to create a symbol for it.

- Implement the 1-bit binary adder/subtractor using structural Verilog HDL code.

- Use the created module of 1-bit binary adder/subtractor to build 4-bit adder/subtractor structurally, then using Quartus to create a symbol for it

- Write the module of 1-digit BCD adder/subtractor, then using Quartus to create a symbol for it

- Write the code of MAX module, then using Quartus to create a symbol for it.

- Write the code of the MIN module, then using Quartus to create a symbol for it.

- Write a Verilog HDL code to describe the module 4-bit 4x1 multiplexer, then using Quartus to create a symbol for it

- Test each module

- Use Quartus schematic to describe the whole system from its subsystems.

- Test the whole system

Project Report

The report document must contain sections highlighting the following

1 - Design and implementation 

- Specity clearly the design and implementation details of each components

- Provide drawings of the component circuits and the overall system

- Carry out the design and implementation with the following aspects in mind:

i Correctness of the individual components

ii Correctness of the overall design when wiring the components together

iii Completeness: all operation were implemented properly.

2 - Simulation and Testing 

- Carry out the simulation of each component.

- Carry out the simulation of the whole system

- Also provide snapshots of the Simulator window with your test cases and showing the simulation output results.

3- Teamwork 

- Two students can form a group

- Group members are required to coordinate the work equally among themselves so that everyone is involved in all the following activities

i Design and implementation

ii Simulation and Testing .

- Clearly show the work done by each group member

Submission Guidelines 

Attach one zip file containing all the design circuits, the pr programs source code Screenshot is not allowed in writing the code (copy the code from Quartus software) as well as the report document to Raj as a reply to this message.

Grading policy

The grade will be divided according to the following components: 

1. Correctness: whether your implementation is working

2. Completeness and testing whether all components and cases have been implemented, handled, and tested properly

3. Participation and contribution to the project

4. Report document


module adder_subtractor(S, C, V, A, B, Op);

   output [3:0] S;

   output           C,V;  

   input [3:0] A,B;

   input             Op; // The operation: 0 => Add, 1=>Subtract.

   wire C0, C1, C2, C3;

   wire B0, B1, B2, B3;

   xor(B0, B[0], Op);

   xor(B1, B[1], Op);

   xor(B2, B[2], Op);

   xor(B3, B[3], Op);

   xor(C, C3, Op);  

   xor(V, C3, C2); 

   full_adder fa0(S[0], C0, A[0], B0, Op); 

   full_adder fa1(S[1], C1, A[1], B1, C0);

   full_adder fa2(S[2], C2, A[2], B2, C1);

   full_adder fa3(S[3], C3, A[3], B3, C2); 


module full_adder(S, Cout, A, B, Cin);

   output S, Cout;

      input A,B, Cin;

       wire   w1,w2,w3,w4;

xor(w1, A, B);

   xor(S, Cin, w1);

   and(w2, A, B);

   and(w3, A, Cin);

   and(w4, B, Cin);

   or(Cout, w2, w3, w4);


module max(input [3:0]A, input [3:0]B, output [3:0]out3);
reg [3:0]max;

always @(*)

assign out3=max;`

module min(input [3:0]A, input [3:0]B, output [3:0]out4);
reg [3:0]min;

always @(*)

assign out4=min;`

module mux4_1( a, b, c, d, s0, s1, out);

input wire a, b, c, d;

input wire s0, s1;

output reg out;

always @ (a or b or c or d or s0, s1)


case (s0 | s1)

2'b00 : out <= a;

2'b01 : out <= b;

2'b10 : out <= c;

2'b11 : out <= d;




module bcd(a,b,carry_in,sum,carry,op);

    input [3:0] a,b;

    input carry_in,op;

    output [3:0] sum;

    output carry;

        reg [4:0] sum_temp;

    reg [3:0] sum;

    reg carry;

always @(a,b,carry_in,op)


        sum_temp = a+b+carry_in;

        if(sum_temp > 9)


            sum_temp = sum_temp+6;

            carry = 1;

            sum = sum_temp[3:0];




            carry = 0;

            sum = sum_temp[3:0];





#51 From the steam distillation of cloves, 1.82 g

ChemistryExplain is here for you to provide the important questions and answer “51 From the steam distillation of cloves, 1.82 g” this question is coming from Inorganic Chemistry.
#51 From the steam distillation of cloves, 1.82 g
Get the Free Online Chemistry Q&A Questions And Answers with explain. To crack any examinations and Interview tests these Chemistry Questions And Answers are very useful. Here we have uploaded the Free Online Chemistry Questions. Here we are also given the all chemistry topic.

ChemistryExplain team has covered all Topics related to inorganic, organic, physical chemistry, and others So, Prepare these Chemistry Questions and Answers with Explanation Pdf.


#51 From the steam distillation of cloves, 1.82 g of clove oil was obtained, containing 90% eugenol (MW=164). Calculate mass, in g of the product, if eugenol reacts with benzoyl chloride (MW=140.5), giving 10% of the ester product. Do not put units (g), just the number.


#51 From the steam distillation of cloves, 1.82 g
#51 From the steam distillation of cloves, 1.82 g


#50 A cylinder of nitrogen gas has a volume of 1.6104cm3

ChemistryExplain is here for you to provide the important questions and answer “#50 A cylinder of nitrogen gas has a volume of 1.6104cm3 and a pressure of 110atm” this question is coming from Physics.
Get the Free Online Chemistry Q&A Questions And Answers with explain. To crack any examinations and Interview tests these Chemistry Questions And Answers are very useful. Here we have uploaded the Free Online Chemistry Questions. Here we are also given the all chemistry topic.

ChemistryExplain team has covered all Topics related to inorganic, organic, physical chemistry, and others So, Prepare these Chemistry Questions and Answers with Explanation Pdf.


#50 A cylinder of nitrogen gas has a volume of 1.6104cm3 and a pressure of 110atm .

Part A

What is the thermal energy of this gas at room temperature (20?C)?

Part B

What is the mean free path in the gas?

Part C

The valve is opened and the gas is allowed to expand slowly and isothermally until it reaches a pressure of 1.0 atm. What is the change in the thermal energy of the gas?


#50 A cylinder of nitrogen gas has a volume of 1.6104cm3


#49 If F1=3 kHz and F2=4 KHz in the f(t) signal given

ChemistryExplain is here for you to provide the important questions and answer “#49 If F1=3 kHz and F2=4 KHz in the f(t) signal given below, find the Fourier transform of this signal.” this question is coming from Electrical Engineering.
#48 If F1=3 kHz and F2=4 KHz in the f(t) signal given
Get the Free Online Chemistry Q&A Questions And Answers with explain. To crack any examinations and Interview tests these Chemistry Questions And Answers are very useful. Here we have uploaded the Free Online Chemistry Questions. Here we are also given the all chemistry topic.

ChemistryExplain team has covered all Topics related to inorganic, organic, physical chemistry, and others So, Prepare these Chemistry Questions and Answers with Explanation Pdf.


#49 If F1=3 kHz and F2=4 KHz in the f(t) signal given below, find the Fourier transform of this signal.


#48 If F1=3 kHz and F2=4 KHz in the f(t) signal given
#48 If F1=3 kHz and F2=4 KHz in the f(t) signal given
#48 If F1=3 kHz and F2=4 KHz in the f(t) signal given


Monday, June 29, 2020

#48 Two horizontal frictionless rails make an angle..

ChemistryExplain is here for you to provide the important questions and answer “48 Two horizontal frictionless rails make an angle..” this question is coming from  Advanced Physics.
#48 Two horizontal frictionless rails make an angle..
Get the Free Online Chemistry Q&A Questions And Answers with explain. To crack any examinations and Interview tests these Chemistry Questions And Answers are very useful. Here we have uploaded the Free Online Chemistry Questions. Here we are also given the all chemistry topic.

ChemistryExplain team has covered all Topics related to inorganic, organic, physical chemistry, and others So, Prepare these Chemistry Questions and Answers with Explanation Pdf.



Two horizontal frictionless rails make an angle θ with each other, as shown in Fig. 4.27. Each rail has a bead of mass m on it, and the beads m m k u Fig. 4.27 are connected by a spring with spring constant k and relaxed length zero. Assume that one of the rails is positioned a tiny distance above the other, so that the beads can pass freely through the crossing. Find the normal modes.

PS: Pls dont repost the solution to another similar problem, that solution is quite wrong. Please be clear with explanations of your solution and also handwriting so we can understand. Thank you, will rate.
#48 Two horizontal frictionless rails make an angle..


#48 Two horizontal frictionless rails make an angle..

#48 Two horizontal frictionless rails make an angle..


#47 FIGURE Draw given views and develop lateral..

ChemistryExplain is here for you to provide the important questions and answer “#47 FIGURE Draw given views and develop lateral” this question is coming from Mechanical Engineering .
#47 FIGURE Draw given views and develop lateral..
Get the Free Online Chemistry Q&A Questions And Answers with explain. To crack any examinations and Interview tests these Chemistry Questions And Answers are very useful. Here we have uploaded the Free Online Chemistry Questions. Here we are also given the all chemistry topic.

ChemistryExplain team has covered all Topics related to inorganic, organic, physical chemistry, and others So, Prepare these Chemistry Questions and Answers with Explanation Pdf.


#47 FIGURE Draw given views and develop lateral surface (Layout A3-3 or B-3)
#47 FIGURE Draw given views and develop lateral..


Step 1 - Write the procedure to start CAD interface as follows:

1) Start AutoCAD program.

2) Enter the command units and select millimeters in insertion scale.

3) Set the boundaries for the sketch using command limits.

4) Enter the command limits and give the bottom left corner and top right corner coordinates.

5) Enter the command zoom and “All” to fit the working area.

6) Now the interface is ready to draw the sketch.

Step 2 - Draw the specified views of the object with the dimensions mentioned.
#47 FIGURE Draw given views and develop lateral..
All the dimensions are in millimeters.

Step 3 - Develop the lateral surface of the object as shown in the following figures:
#47 FIGURE Draw given views and develop lateral..
#47 FIGURE Draw given views and develop lateral..

Step 4 - The lateral surface is as shown in the following figure:
#47 FIGURE Draw given views and develop lateral..
Step 5 - The lateral surface is as shown in the following figure:
#47 FIGURE Draw given views and develop lateral..
Thus, the lateral surface of the specified views is drawn.


Saturday, June 27, 2020

#46 Writers of literary analysis should consider that their readers

ChemistryExplain is here for you to provide the important questions and answer “46 Writers of literary analysis should consider that their readers” this question is coming from Business Operations Management.
Get the Free Online Chemistry Q&A Questions And Answers with explain. To crack any examinations and Interview tests these Chemistry Questions And Answers are very useful. Here we have uploaded the Free Online Chemistry Questions. Here we are also given the all chemistry topic.

ChemistryExplain team has covered all Topics related to inorganic, organic, physical chemistry, and others So, Prepare these Chemistry Questions and Answers with Explanation Pdf.


#46 1. Writers of literary analysis should consider that their readers

A. have not read the work being discussed and need a full summary in order to understand.

B. have not read the work being discussed but only need to have pertinent details explained.

C. have read the work being discussed but still need pertinent details explained.

D. have read the work being discussed and do not need any background information.

2. The plus-minus, pro-con, or either-or methods of prewriting are ways to contrast elements in the story which results in deeper insights and understanding.

A. True

B. False


1. The writer who is doing literary analysis, or for that matter any critic, generally considers that the literature piece has already been read or is about to be read. They always provide a terse summary before going into analysis. Hence option 1 is true.

2. Correct option is true. Comparing and contrasting is generally always done in this way.


#45 Being an HR manager of chosen company

ChemistryExplain is here for you to provide the important questions and answer “45 Being an HR manager of chosen company” this question is coming from Business Operations Management.
#45 Being an HR manager of chosen company
Get the Free Online Chemistry Q&A Questions And Answers with explain. To crack any examinations and Interview tests these Chemistry Questions And Answers are very useful. Here we have uploaded the Free Online Chemistry Questions. Here we are also given the all chemistry topic.

ChemistryExplain team has covered all Topics related to inorganic, organic, physical chemistry, and others So, Prepare these Chemistry Questions and Answers with Explanation Pdf.


#45 Select one company by your choice local company)

Being an HR manager of chosen company, suggest few Tips to Prepare Your Organization for the Post Lockdown (covid 19) Period in Pakistan

Polices for workplace

Policies that could increase productivity

Policies for employees

Policies for information exchange

You may also suggest any other HR polices.

Instructions for project

Group of 2 or you may go for Individual project

You will present in power point presentation

Report will be given in MS word on turnitin (no more than 20% plagiarism)

Deadline is 28th June 2020


Tetra Pak needs to adopt various policies for reopening after the post lockdown period.

The workplace must be sanitized before the employees enter and after they leave the building. It must contain sanitizing tunnels at the entrance and on every floor of the building. The kitchen or canteen workers must sanitize their hands, wear gloves and masks for cooking meals for the employees.

Specific achievable targets must be set for the employees for keeping them motivated. More rewards must be introduced and employee recognition programs should be conducted every month for encouraging them to work hard. There must not be any cut in salary of the employees for the absenteeism during the lockdown period. No meetings would be conducted in meeting rooms. ACs in the building must remain at a decent temperature.

Employees must alternatively attend offices. All of them must wear masks while entering and leaving the office building and during office hours. They should maintain a safe distance from each other and must not engage in any group activity or communication.

The information would be shared across the internet. Thus, any meetings or conferences would be conducted through video calls.


#44 A study plans to have a sample of obese adults follow

ChemistryExplain is here for you to provide the important questions and answer “#44 A study plans to have a sample of obese adults follow” this question is coming from Statistics and Probability.
#44 A study plans to have a sample of obese adults follow
Get the Free Online Chemistry Q&A Questions And Answers with explain. To crack any examinations and Interview tests these Chemistry Questions And Answers are very useful. Here we have uploaded the Free Online Chemistry Questions. Here we are also given the all chemistry topic.

ChemistryExplain team has covered all Topics related to inorganic, organic, physical chemistry, and others So, Prepare these Chemistry Questions and Answers with Explanation Pdf.


#44 A study plans to have a sample of obese adults follow a proposed low-carbohydrate diet for two months. Consider the hypothesis "the population mean of the values of weight change ( weight at start of study-weight at end of study) is less than zero." a. Is this a null or an alternative hypothesis? Explain your reasoning b. Define a relevant parameter, and express the hypothesis that the diet has no effect in terms of that parameter. Is it a null or alternative hypothesis?

1. Is this a null or an alternative hypothesis?

A. Alternative; it has a range of parameter values.

B. Null; the parameter takes a particular value.

C. Null; it has a range of parameter values.

D. D. Alternative; the parameter takes a particular value.

2. Which is a relevant parameter?

A. probability of weight loss, p

B.  weight at start of study, μ

C.  the population standard deviation, σ

D.  the population standard deviation, σ

Express the hypothesis that the diet has no effect in terms of that parameter. Is it a null or alternative hypothesis?

A. Ha: μ-a number less than zero, alternative hypothesis

B. Ha: μ-0; alternative hypothesis

C. Ho: μ-0; null hypothesis

D. Ho: μ-a number less than zero; null hypothesis


(a) Option (A): Alternative, it has a range of parameter values.

(b) Option (D): mean weight change, μ

(c) Option (C) H0: μ = 0; null hypothesis


#43 An object travels along a line so that its position s is s = t2+ 1 meters after t seconds.

ChemistryExplain is here for you to provide the important questions and answer “#43 An object travels along a line so that its position s is s = t2+ 1 meters after t seconds.” this question is coming from Calculus.
#43 An object travels along a line so that its position s is s = t2+ 1 meters after t seconds.
Get the Free Online Chemistry Q&A Questions And Answers with explain. To crack any examinations and Interview tests these Chemistry Questions And Answers are very useful. Here we have uploaded the Free Online Chemistry Questions. Here we are also given the all chemistry topic.

ChemistryExplain team has covered all Topics related to inorganic, organic, physical chemistry, and others So, Prepare these Chemistry Questions and Answers with Explanation Pdf.


An object travels along a line so that its position s is s = t2+ 1 meters after t seconds.

(a) What is its average velocity on the interval 2 ≤ t â‰¤ 3?

(b) What is its average velocity on the interval 2 ≤ t â‰¤ 2.003?

(c) What is its average velocity on the interval 2 ≤ t ≤ 2 + h?

 (d) Find its instantaneous velocity at t = 2.


Step 1 - We are told that we have an object whose position is given by the equation:

, where  is in seconds.

Step 2 - (a) We are first tasked with determining its average velocity for time between 2 and 3.

To find an average velocity, we need to know the time interval which has taken place and the distance traveled in that time interval.

In the present case, the time interval is 1 second.

So our task is to find the distance traveled.

Step 3 - We can plug each of our values for time into the equation to get the corresponding positions of the object:


Step 4 - So we can see that the total distance the object has traveled between times  and  is:

Step 5 - So our average velocity is the total distance traversed over the given time interval, or:

Step 6 - (b) Next, we are tasked with finding the average velocity between time  and time.

Step 7 - Again, to find an average velocity, we need to know the time interval which has taken place and the distance traveled in that time interval.

In the present case, the time interval is 0.003 seconds.

So our task is to find the distance traveled.

Step 8 - We found previously that the object’s position at time  is .

To find the object’s position at,

We use our provided equation:

Step 9 - So we can see that the total distance the object has traveled between time  and  is:


Step 10 - So our average velocity is the total distance traversed over the given time interval, or:

Step 11 -(c)Next, we are tasked with finding the average velocity between time  and time .

Step 12 - Again, to find an average velocity, we need to know the time interval which has taken place and the distance traveled in that time interval.

In the present case, the time interval is  seconds.

So our task is to find the distance traveled.

Step 13 - We found previously that the object’s position at time  is 5 meters.

To find the object’s position at, we use our provided equation:

Step 14 - So we can see that the total distance the object has traveled between time  and  is:


Step 15 - So our average velocity is the total distance traversed over the given time interval, or:

Step 16 -(d) Finally, we are tasked with finding the object’s instantaneous velocity when.

Step 17 - We recall the definition of instantaneous velocity as:

, where is the position function

Using this definition and our provided position function, we have:

Step 19 -
